Eight Sectors circled PowerPoint Slide

The design of a single circle diagram can be seen having the four outer stages which are further having two sub-stages under each stage. The four stages are partitioned into quarters in the circle and each quarter is further sub-staged into two sub-stages in to sectors. This is template design of concept having two level hierarchy processes. Each of the major stage has got two additional stages under them, and this concept is of representing the two level stage representations in a single process. The template desings can be suitable for any project of having two levels of stages. This design style is generic which shall give suitability to vast range of segments.

The template designs we can see are all connected in a sequence of the series. The stages are having connectivity between them. The connection style and presentation can be seen continuous, i.e., the process is cyclic. If it is represented as cyclic, the processes keep on repeating. And each of the stage has two sub stages being represented in two different colours, which altogether are laid out in alternate coloured fashion. The template design is all ready for the presenter to make use of the template after updating the relevant info in the design. Also, changes if any required in the design are also easily feasible since the design work is all done in the Power Point default clip art objects only.
