Competitive Analysis PowerPoint Template

The template design we have here is about the Competitive Analysis. It’s more of comparing a list features across different options available. The fields are listed in table format to make the conveying of info clear to the audience. This representation of analysis is quite possible in almost any segment. It’s not limited to a product or a market. The different lists of attributes are presented as a list on the left, giving more to scope to add any additional list of attributes. The attributes can be managed as per the requirement. Also we can see that the attributes are also having a symbol representation. Also very next to the symbol representation, a box field is placed to make in an entry of text if any required to make the notation more clear. And then the lists of the competitors are placed as heading on the top, which are generally considered to be limited. And this matrix form gives a analysis listing for each of the competitor to each of the attribute added.

All the design part is made so clear so that the presentation work looks clear and shall depict more accurately. The matrix layout of the attributes are coloured alternatively to make the design look more legible in the complex notation too.

This design is suitable in any segment which aims at giving a comparison of list of features to list of competitors. It can be of about a product, a business process, a service style, a medical device etc. The template is all ready to download and update it with the required info in it.
