Case Study

A professional presentation designed to describe business case studies is the business case study PowerPoint template.

A case study is a type of research methodology that entails a close investigation of a research topic (also known as “the case”) and any relevant contextual factors. “The Case” investigated can be a person, a group, a course of action, or simply an event that occurs in a particular setting and during a certain period of time.

The Case Method is a teaching strategy that puts students in the position of the persons (often top management) who had to make decisions in the particular time, location, and environmental situation. This approach is now widely used in business schools as the typical learning path for the newest managers.

Ideal for MBA candidates and students who need quick and easy PowerPoint templates to finish their case study analysis and present it to the class. High definition background images that illustrate each section’s business metaphor were used in its creation. Additionally, it makes use of premium PowerPoint icons to illustrate business concepts and provide a powerful visual representation of findings and conclusions. This case study form can be used by business consultants and analysts to provide their overall analysis and conclusions to the executive board or senior management.

The following sections make up the structure of our business case study PowerPoint template, and each one was designed using the Harvard Business School business case study guidelines.

  • Issue and Resolution
  • summary
  • Short History
  • Key Business Points
  • Key Obstacles
  • Sector Analysis
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Analysis of the Company’s Financial Performance
  • Critical Success Elements
  • SWOT Additional Options
  • Key Issues Analysis
  • Cons & Pros
  • Comparison and Analysis of Solutions
  • Recommendations
  • Revision

This part will lead each presenter through the entirety of the Case Study Analysis while capturing the audience’s attention with strong visual elements.

The user can completely alter the presentation’s design by adjusting its size, colour, effects, location, and other elements thanks to every Shape, Icon, and Clipart’s 100% editability. Additionally, each shape can be utilised again in previous presentations if the presenter wants to add new, premium PowerPoint Shapes to an old Business Case Analysis.

Our superb Business Case Studies PowerPoint Template will dazzle your audience.
