Eights Blocks PowerPoint Template

The 8 staged template design is on the concept of listing the multiple stages involved in a process. And this shall not be just limited to 8 stages, but also can be modified according to the presentation requirement. As in the design we can see that the stages are halved, which are sided into two. It’s a categorization of the stages. Though there are n stages involved in total, they are again segregated into two broad level categories, placing them on the opposite sides of the template design. The template design shall fit any kind of the work presentation which shall match the concept of having multiple stages in the process.

The multiple stages involved in the process cycle or the project are clearly represented in the label areas with the descriptions right next to them after a heading for the stage along with a symbolic representation. This level of detailing the concept to the audience is good enough to convey the concept clearly. The presentation slide looks cool with the solid colours filled in and this gives the template a rich and decent look. This design shall work for any kind of listing such as, product feature listing, stages of a life cycle, differentiating two variants, strategy of business and market etc.

The template is all ready to download and work on it for any further minor modifications required as per the presenter’s project work. Since the design is just made out of the Power Point program, all the tweaks are easy to do, and also the template feels light in size.
