Circular Flow PowerPoint Template

6 Steps Circular PowerPoint Diagram Using the highly built 6 Steps Circular PowerPoint Diagram Pentagon Centre template model, leave a positive impact on the lecture or seminar crowd. This presentation example uses high-quality clip art vector graphics and forms to construct a dynamic visual guide that is sure to hold the audience’s interest.

The boomerang-like shapes have been grouped in a circle around the page to produce a central pentagon shape that acts as a unifying point in the design. You may use the Pentagon Centre 6 Steps Circular PowerPoint Diagram with a variety of presentations:

  1. to highlight a novel business plan by illustrating the product creation process
  2. to show off a unique marketing campaign

This PowerPoint prototype can be completely modified, customised, and personalised since it was built with high-quality clip art icons and vector graphics while keeping user features in mind. A clockwise movement circle with a pentagonal core creates a revolving effect that gives the viewer a sense of rhythm, which is suitable for engaging presentations that include steps.
