Timeline PowerPoint Template

The five intersection/ overlapping squares diagram is about the process presentation having 5 stages which shall be in a sequence. The intersecting squares represent the complete process in communication with the subsequent step.

The more usability of this is found in a process where there are five stages involved. And the stages are in same process. The stages in the process are going to be in a sequential process and the representation of the sequence is presented in the template design the numbering. The Numbering makes the number of stages and also the sequence of stages clear to the audience. The individual stage is not completely separated from the other steps, but will be in intersection with the other process. The intersection process is the common or link between the stages. This way of linking is to make the presentation’s objective of the communication between the steps are there with a relation. This same concept is also called as the union. The union of two squares is the common area or the common property between the squares. Each stage in the presentation slide has the heading option along with description option in the square individually for every phase.

The presentation template is easy to tweak too according to the requirement of the user’s presentation as the complete template design is prepared just with the objects in the Power Point program only.
