Three Mage Circles PowerPoint Template

This three maze circle template design is a presentation template suitable for presenting three listed concepts in a place. This is very generic template design which can be used in any concept of the project. It is a design with the mazes in circle shape with the detail of heading followed by description inside the circle. The three circles are also coloured in a rich dark colour to make the presentation slide look cool for the viewers.

This template design is suitable for projects which aim at listing the concepts in detail. The concepts may or may not be related to one another. Also, the number of concepts listing is not just limited to three; further changes can be made according to the requirement of the project. The concepts do generally resemble the problem and solution theme. A maze as it depicts the concept of problem and solution, this design shall be more apt for the similar concepts. Since the design work is all done ready with the presentation part, the presenter can simple download and update the relevant info in the template to get it ready for the final presentation. The minor changes in the design can be made with ease since the design is just made out of the Power Point program only.
