Up Arrows PowerPoint Template

‘ARROWS’ they in itself mean a direction or a path at which the outcome has been shown. 

This can be considered a very professional slide, but with more of technical look with it.  The various sizes of arrows in one direction show a particular growth. Example: Like as shown above, all the arrows are pointed in upward direction, it means they are trying to show growth at various points in the tenure. 

The 1/4th part of the slide is reserved for the explanation of ‘why’, ‘How’ the growth have resulted in over the years. 

In this particular slide you can cover only macro topics like:

  1. Profit margins of a company in several years.
  2. Marketing budget for the whole year of single company
  3. Calculation of census in every 10 years
  4. Stock market analysis of individual company &/ or multiple companies
  5. Product Management department 

This template is mostly used by corporate crowd & business minded people, where they constantly have to show results & outcomes, where arrows help them. 
